Lead Based Paint Disposal in Greenford

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What you need to know about Greenford


Greenford is a bustling suburb situated within the London Borough of Ealing in West London, and bordered by Wembley, Uxbridge, Harrow, Ealing and Park Royal. Greenford is characterized by its community atmosphere with a vibrant high street, great school system and plenty of local amenities which continue to prosper as it undergoes regeneration. Residents also enjoy the open green spaces of numerous recreational grounds and parks in Greenford, providing space for outdoor activities and local events, most notably the yearly Greenford Carnival held in the grounds of the former Ravenor Farm. Greenford boasts a good number of well-preserved Victorian and Georgian houses and semi-detached and detached family homes as well as converted flats. The property market in the district focuses on the new stylish residential developments which highlight co-living and feature a wealth of first-class amenities. Residents in the area also enjoy the extensive selection of shops, bars, cafes, pubs and restaurants along Greenford Road, which is just 35 minutes away from the city centre via the A40 and is serviced by Greenford Tube Station.

  • Population Size 3,603
  • Active Businesses 64
  • Waste Collected (tonnes)2,455
  • Tonnes of Waste Recycled or Reused 1,233

What are the different ways to dispose of waste in Greenford?

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Where are the nearest recycling centres in Greenford

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What rubbish collection services are available in Greenford?

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