Isopropyl Alcohol Disposal in Clapton

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What you need to know about Clapton


Clapton is a very loosely-defined locality that occupies the better part of the area along the eastern boundary of the London Borough of Hackney. Its two halves, Upper and Lower Clapton, are somewhat densely populated, as residential properties in the district are a mix of 19th-century terraced houses and more substantial 20th-century estates. Its shopping parades, which previously leaned heavily towards the more traditional sort, have also been upgraded with an influx of cafés and upscale retail shops since the turn of the 21st century. Despite all the closely-packed developments, however, Clapton still boasts a relatively large number of open spaces, including Clapton Pond, Springfield Park, Hackney Downs, and Millfields Park. Despite lacking its own station on the London Underground, Clapton is nevertheless afforded convenient access to the districts of central London by its railway station, whose trains can take commuters to the interchange on Liverpool Street in the City.

  • Population Size 47,563
  • Active Businesses 212
  • Waste Collected (tonnes)18,301
  • Tonnes of Waste Recycled or Reused 9,083

What are the different ways to dispose of waste in Clapton?

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Where are the nearest recycling centres in Clapton

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What rubbish collection services are available in Clapton?

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