Household Waste in Netherne-on-the-Hill

Explore Price, Costs & Reviews for Household Waste in Netherne-on-the-Hill


Learn more about Household Waste in Netherne-on-the-Hill

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How do I choose the right waste contractor for my bulky household waste in Netherne-on-the-Hill?

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What are the risks when choosing a contractor to clear my bulky household waste in Netherne-on-the-Hill?

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What you need to know about Netherne-on-the-Hill


Netherne-on-the-Hill is located on a plateau of the North Downs, the area prospered due to its mineral works in the 20th century

  • Population Size 9,156
  • Active Businesses 93
  • Waste Collected (tonnes)3,921
  • Tonnes of Waste Recycled or Reused 1,941

How much waste do we produce in Netherne-on-the-Hill?

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What is the council recycling rate of Netherne-on-the-Hill?

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How much did local councils in Netherne-on-the-Hill spend on waste management?

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How many residents and active businesses are there in Netherne-on-the-Hill?

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How else did Netherne-on-the-Hill impact the environment last year?

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